Changing Menu Speeds Expanded

The speed of a product menus overflow animation can be changed from the displays configuration in the dashboard. Navigate to the display configuration page, and adjust the "Display Duration" for each menu.

After adjusting the display duration, save the change and reload the menu. It may take a few tries to get the speed that works for your menu, and the amount of products it contains.

You can watch a video on changing digital menu speed here.

Transition Types

Digital displays showing Product Menus can only show a certain amount of products and content at once before others will be out of view. To show a larger data set of products, an animation for Product Overflow can be set in menus, then the speed of that animation can be configured in the display setup using the "Display Duration" field.

Depending on the Product Overflow animation in use from a menu, combined with the amount of content on the menus, functionality of the "Display Duration" value may differ slightly.

Snap (Menu)

This animation consists of Starting/Stopping animations. The display duration will adjust the amount of time each frame is stopped, before moving to the next.

Transition (Menu)

This animation consists of Starting/Stopping animations. The display duration will adjust the amount of time each frame is stopped, before moving to the next.

Scroll (Menu)

This animation is a constantly moving animation for the duration of the menu content, then pauses at the end of the menu for 5 seconds, before animating the menu in reverse. The display duration will be the time it takes to reach one end of the menu to the other.

Say for example a menu had 100 products and another menu had 200 products; if both those had a display duration of 30 seconds, the menu with more products would animate the product overflow faster to get through more products in 30 seconds.

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