Auto/On/Off Column Settings

Column's such as THC, CBD, Size, Price, and more can be set to auto, on, or off.

You may find yourself asking, "Why did my column disappear?". It's likely from your column being set to auto and you may want to change it to on so it's alway visible.

Column Set to On

When a column is set to on, the column is always visible

Column Set to Off

When a column is set to off, the column is always hidden

Column Set to Auto

When columns are set to auto, the information only shows up depending if it is relevant to show or not. The column can either be visible or hidden depending on it's contents.

Eg. Qty Column

When all the product info in a column is the same qty and the column is set to auto - the qty column will be automatically hidden

When products have different qtys and the column is set to auto - the qty column will be visible

Example Pre-Roll menu with qty set to Auto

All Pre-Rolls on this menu are 1 packs so the qty column is hidden

Example Pre-Roll menu with qty set to Auto

With most products as 1 packs butt one 3 pack the qty column is visible

FAQs on auto, on, off column settings

How do I make product information columns visible? 

Turn the column 'default state' to on

For example,

To always show the size column, go to Menus > Print > Click the menu you want to edit > Click edit on the section in question > Click "Column Options" under Section Details.

Within column options, you'll see size options. Change the "Default State" from "Auto" to "On" in the dropdown menu. The "On" state will not auto hide the size column based on the section products.

How do I hide product information columns?

Turn the column 'default state' to off

How do I make product information columns go on/off automatically?

Turn the column 'default state' to auto

To learn where to access 'column options', how to use them, and find out other features and functionality of 'dynamic columns' click here

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